Shreeji Study Center in udaipur Rajasthan

Shreeji Study Center in udaipur Rajasthan
The ultimate aim or goal of the institute is to create such an ambience and whole milieu where budding aspirants may actualize their potential to the fullest extent. Success, not merely confined to competitive examinations (IAS, RAS, SSC, BANK, RAILWAY, LDC, First / Second Grade Teacher, Constable, Patwari, Headmaster, NET, SET, SLET, Women Supervisor / Mahila Purveshak, Informatics Assistant (IA), Sanganak etc), is the guiding force whereby today’s aspirants become tomorrow’s citizens.Shreeji Study Center came into being on 27th July, 2006.
Address:Â 100 ft Road, opp. concept coaching centre, near swagat vatika, Sec – 3, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001
Phone:Â 092146 16815